Newsletters on Substack

If you are interested to learn more about Dmitry's evidence gathering  data analprofessional, artistic in staying updated on my  justice supporting, evidence gathering efforts, To stay updated on my Democracy supporting / Evidence gathering efforts, please subscribe at my newsletter at substack called  "IVIM: Who Can Tell Me The Truth?" . 

Occasionally, I also publish articles related to my artistic and social life in my other substack called "MIVI: Fidget Spinner in the Sky


Below is the list of IVIM articles published since the launch of  my substack in April of 2022.  The most quoted articles are marked with (***)

May 2024

VIDEO (YouTube): most powerful, accurate short 9-min presentation to date about Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus - who will testify in her…

It is also uploaded to YouTube (for wider public circulation ex. among "unaware" Canadians) and archived at:

ChatGPT, What are Excess Mortality in EU now in low-vax vs. high-vax countries? (Part 2)

Also, How much the safety and efficacy of covid vaccine depend on manufacturer and batch?

May 26  • 

** ChatGPT, What are the most and least vaccinated countries in Europe and what are the excess deaths rates there now? How AI tries to create a…

Learn how not to be fooled by AI news-making machines but rather use them to find the "inconvenient truths". Part 1.

May 26 • 

** Why Choose the Canadian Bill of Rights Over the Charter? A Dialog on Legal Strategy - with ChatGPT...

Understanding the Unique Protections and Practical Applications of Canada’s Two Key Rights Documents

May 21 • 

** Judge: Mandates for working remotely "unreasonable"! Musk: X will fight for Canadians defending free speech! Zuboff: Time to defend…

Other Wins of the week: US President Candidate Bobby Kennedy suing Meta. MP Lewes: WHO ALERT

May 17 • 

Dr. Makis: From 1000+ "Died Suddenly" anecdotes to hard data: UK Disability Claims Data proves COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths are…

Jul 15, 2023 Re-post from Dr. Makis MD

Dr. Makis Analysis. Statistics Canada: 48780 excess deaths in 2022 in Canada. Where they are coming from. Not from C-19.

28 December 2023 repost from Dr. Makis

May 15 • 

10 May Freedom Leaders Zoom Agenda, Wins (NO MORE AstraZeneca!). Dedication to Rex Murphy, 49 US Senators urge to #ExitTheWHO…

Freedom Leaders on Friday, May 10th Dear Freedom Leaders, Please accept this invitation to Freedom Leaders on Friday, May 10th from 9:00 – 11:00 AM PDT…

May 3: Freedom Rising Zoom Agenda with links and Code of Conduct. May 12: MOTHER’S DAY GATHERING for Detective Helen Grus at Parliament

On May 3 at Noon (Ottawa time) Zoom. Also, Sunday May 12: MOTHER’S DAY GATHERING for Detective Helen Grus at Parliament (poster)

April 2024

*** BREAKING: PIPSC NCR elected new Executives. The candidate running on "Protecting Scientific Integrity from Political Interference" electoral…

On 26-27 April 2024, PIPSC National Capital Region (NCR) branch had its Annual General Meeting (AGM). I was invited to attend it and was elected to its…

This week's FR ZOOM agenda and highlights: more data, more fraud exposed, COVID Dashboard that Ruled the World,…

Top 10 inspiring and empowering news from Freedom networks

CCCA Books at Book Expo this weekend in Ottawa. Q&A on "Deaths from COVID vaccines" ATIP. Intro to KICLEI [Kicking International Council out…

1 - Announcement of folks in National Capital Region: One of the largest Annual Expositions events in NRC area, Ottawa International Food & Book Expo…

*** FOI: 2,140 Pages of Reports about Deaths from COVID-19 vaccines, obtained from Government. These are just the ones reported. How Canada…

This and other evidence added to

'Battleground Melbourne' Documentary. Highlights from 'Good People Break Bad Laws' book's author interview.

I just listened to one of the most empowering interviews - by John Campbell with Topher Field - the author of the 'Battleground Melbourne' Documentary…

JOIN & SHARE: Agendas for tomorrow's Freedom Rising meeting (Canada via Zoom) and 'Perspectives of W.H.O: from advisory body to world…

Tomorrow (Friday 19th April): two big events happening, for all those who care about fundamental rights and freedoms.

Top 10 videos from Enlightenment & Freedom networks (April 12, 2024): Mind control, InPower, Puppet Masters, Sean Hartman family archive…

And related stories

*** Sean Hartman (2004-2021) story is added to YouTube and portal.

*** Following my meeting with Regina Watteel (Author of "Fisman's Fraud" book) - OPQ filed. Another win. Portal redesigned to log all…


March 2024

Update on - less than two months left until something really bad happens to Canada and other members of WHO. Please…

Please read this update from James Roguski and visit (formerly to see what else you can do, if you're as…

Ottawa: Meet "Fisman Fraud" author (22/03), Court Hearing for Helen Grus (25/03). Canada: Two surveys (from NCI and FOI CAN Library)

Local and national events to participate.

*** Helen Grus - Police Services Hero of the Year Award nomination letter, from me

Includes Annex B: Further Evidence of Politically Motivated Allegations Against Detective Grus, Intended to Suppress Public Debate and Vaccine Safety…

Hockey player died after "battle with a complex, progressive autoimmune disorder as a result of an injury from the Covid-19 vaccines…

Many reasons why I nominated Detective Helen Grus for 2024 ‘Police Hero Honour Roll Award’

TRUST WHO (2016) – MUST WATCH DOCUMENTARY now made FREE. "Sue the WHO" Legal Initiative, Evidence and Action at Update…

Countdown Until WHO World Health Assembly (WHA77): 78 days

Updated version of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations - UNACCEPTABLE!

This concerns everyone living on planet Earth. James Roguski, who is following closely the developments around newly proposed WHO International Health…

Nominate Helen Grus for Award! Other developments & synergies: March 9 “1984 - Don't Let It Happen” Canada-wide Rally & CanadaExitWHO…

March 4, 2024 weekly digest of key developments and opportunities for you to help. All are related to each other, aimed at bringing more accountability…

February 2024

Here's to Druthers - the Canadian Independent Newspaper! - "717 Days Locked Up Without Trial", "Is Russia Going Along with Globalist…

“Anyone who follows Russian-language media knows that Moscow is in near-total lockstep with the West when it comes to soul-crushing technocracy and…

Come to support your neighbour in court this Friday (Gatineau court house). New Lawsuit against Vaccine Travel Mandates filed.

Petitions and demonstrations are good for raising awareness, but it is through legal actions that justice can be upheld, victims of unlawful measures…

BREAKING: NZ Court Declared Vaccine Mandate Unlawful (re-posted summarized). What about Canada ? (Poll)

The court found that while the Defence Force had the right to add Covid-19 vaccinations to its schedule, the consequences imposed by the mandate were…

Freedom convoy returned to Ottawa today (LIVE). Change of rhetoric on cbc ("for majority protesters the issues remained" said forensic…

Cbc (6 mins) As you watch it, make the note of the comments from the uOttawa forensic expert. -You’ll see that CBC is now allowing much wider lens on…

Latest on Pandemic Treaty and WHO and UN efforts to grab the world power. Deputations to Local Councils and Presentation. What you can do.

UN: Letter from President General Assembly - Pact for the Future (Document) Deputation to Huntsvillle, January 29 2024 - POGG (VIDEO)

Tomorrow on Parliament Hill from 11am: Commemoration of the illegal invocation of Emergency Act, and other major (legal and political…

Freedom Convoy representatives speak to the media in Ottawa – February 16, 2024 (CPAC VIDEO). Canadian Democratic Defence Association proposes new…

January 2024

28 Jan 2024: Legal Wins of the Week - These are now also logged at! Interview of Trish Woods with CJ Hopkins. Memories and…

Even CBC is changing now its rhetoric, writing Convoy was "raising the spirits". The "House of Cards" keep falling... I keep logging the evidence and…

18TH ANNUAL SANTA MONICA FILM FESTIVAL showcases award winning independent films, including "SHOT DEAD" and others... Watch them ALL…

I watched it... It made me cry... It empowered me to continue what I'm doing...

Attend: Two hearings on 26 Jan (Gatineau Courthouse/Zoom), National Parents Rights Summit 2024 on 27 Jan (Zoom)

Support your neighbours, support democracy, support your children

BREAKING: Ottawa's use of Emergencies Act against convoy protests was unreasonable, violated Charter, court rules. New word to learn: "ultra…

"ultra vires" - "beyond the powers." Describes actions taken by government bodies or corporations that exceed the scope of power given to them by laws…

Macdonald-Laurier Institute: "Post-pandemic: Canada desperately needs an impartial COVID-19 inquiry" (January 16, 2024)

Now that the panic has subsided, it is time to move to a thoughtful and objective Covid evaluation to investigate the social harms created by government…

Wins of the month of January. Plus, greatest books/blogs of the month.

"Fisman's Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science Paperback. When Pseudoscience, Politics & Fraud Converge" and other great reads of the month

Klaus Schwab: "More than half of Trudeau cabinet consists of our young global leaders from the WEF". Is "Misinformation" WEF's Main Risk or…

WEF has released its Global Risks Report 2024. Ongoing War conflicts, negative effects of pandemic measures are not even listed there. What is says…

RIVER OF FREEDOM - NZ Box Office Success

Coming to Big Screens in Canada... Maybe. In meanwhile, watch it on all streaming platforms.

UK Parliament Debate on Excess Mortality / Deaths, 16 January 2024 - Part 1 (VIDEO + Transcript)

Now available on YouTube. Share widely.

Information Package is now available on - to help you prepare your meeting with your MP. Check it out!

For those who are concerned with lack of transparency and parliamentary debate over WHO developed International Health Regulations, a new toolkit is now…

Grus Hearing New Time - Jan 11, 2024 - 1230pm

At 211 Huntmar (Kanata West)

Identity Theft is Big Business. Here's how you are exposed.

Compendium of links to give you a survey of the State of the Internet - January 2024

My New Year Address is now on LinkedIn - with links and good book recommendation

Lets first find out how many of you are in LinkedIn. If are you are, then you would know the kind of audience and the kind of posts that are there. If…

Invite your friends to read Who can tell me the truth? (I+V+I = M)

Thank you for reading Who can tell me the truth? (I+V+I = M) — your support allows me to keep doing this work. If you enjoy Who can tell me the truth…

New Year 2024 Address to All Canadians: P.S. (VIDEO)

The year when the House of Cards will start falling. On progress, power, how to find out who is who, and how to play this game.

December 2023

New Year 2024 Address to All Canadians (VIDEO) - with subtitles in EN / FR

Where we are and what to expect and to do in the New Year.

Musical Surprise: Christmas songs from Anastastiya Goro & myself. Christmas - the best time to start the conversation with relatives and…

ALSO - ARCHIVE VIDEO OF CHRISTMAS PARTY FROM 10 YEARS AGO: Dmitry at the Gov't of Canada's "Got Talent" show. Much has changed since then - including in…

How to Determine if Your Country is Driven by Propaganda? A ChatGPT Response and Litmus Test. A Comprehensive List of Alternative Media…

Plus, My Memories from Growing Up in the USSR and Witnessing the Collapse of the Soviet Empire Precipitated by Glastnost (Transparency and Freedom of…

Watch: UK Parliament to debate the petition to reject WHO IHR amendments. Update on other big news of the year: NCI Final Report, Cannes…

Seven days left to Christmas. Seven days left to the closing of the petition which will make a historical landmark in the Canadian history. What's next?

Some of the most powerful words and moments in Canadian history (VIDEO)

A beautiful collage of images, audio and music - contribution by anonymous, uploaded to @IVIM YouTube channel. You can help this channel by subscribing…

TWO BREAKING NEWS: Canadian film 'UNACCEPTABLE?' about Freedom Convoy wins the Cannes World Film Festival. Petition for a vote of no…

What an outstanding sequel of historically significant events happening in Canada, starting from release of the National Citizens Inquiry Final Report…

The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) Final Report on Quick Start Guide on how to initiate a conversation about NCI with those…

Please visit the portal for updates and additional ideas on how YOU can help all Canadians learn about this historically important work.

November 2023

NCI Commissioners Final Report Release full videos, highlights and transcripts are now available on YouTube and !

This marks the beginning of the national "Did you watch the NCI Commissioners Final Report Release?” awareness campaign

The National Citizens Inquiry Commissioners Final Report RELEASED. It's your turn now! - Use provided Stickers to show you watched this…

This day (2023/11/28) is now a historical day for Canada and the World. Perhaps, not everyone knows about it yet. But once you watch the presentations…

Breaking: Alberta Invokes Sovereignty Act (video)

This news might of interest to my readers outside of Canada. Something interesting is developing here. Additional References…

Breaking: New Zealand Government to End All COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates and to start Inquiry on how the country handled the pandemic

Plus, A national interest test will also be conducted before New Zealand accepts any deal with the United Nations. Should Canada do the same …

Sexuality Education and the WHO. Another reason to #ExitTheWHO.

Former UK Head Teacher, Hugh McCarthy, argues that World Health Organisation RSE 'guidelines' are polluting our classrooms with gender propaganda and…

Doctor Dr. David Bell, former WHO Expert - What Went Wrong and Why. The Canadian petition to exit the WHO and UN has surpassed 50,000…

More facts and testimonials calling for public debate and parliamentary scrutiny over Canadian membership at WHO.

The Resolutions Passed by Alberta’s UCP at their AGM. Historical and yet silenced by mainstream media

You will not hear about these resolutions in any Canadian mainstream media. Is that because these resolutions show how bad it has become elsewhere in…

UK petition to exit WHO: The UK government has just replied

According to portal, as of today, we have the following number of signatures in Canada and UK of people demanding their…

Help a person who was mistreated in the court

A day in a life of a Canadian

Help stop the persecution of City Councillor, who fights for women, children, and families. Please sign the petition. Plus, pictures and…

Related previous post: Part 1: Eye-witness pictures from #1millionmarch4children I attended the #1millionmarch4children demonstration against the…

#ExitTheWHO : additional information from the Congressional symposium

While we are still on the #ExitTheWHO topic, the following article provides additional information related to it. Deeply concerning.

Canadians and Brits Unite in the Call to #ExitTheWHO and #SaveOurSovereignty: Public Alert at and Sovereignty Bill at…

"Urgent: We need parliamentary debate and scrutiny over WHO developed International Health Regulations". Please read and share widely this Public Alert

Diefenbaker Lecture by Prof. Bruce Pardy: Our Constitutional Mistake (On Diefenbaker - Canadian Bill Of Rights)

Tomorrow (10 Nov 2023) in Ottawa - great lecture to attend

October 2023

Good morning, Canada! - Great video made by UK MP to start your Sunday morning, showing our great nation inspiring other great nations

Address to the people from Breedon on the Hill Church

A letter to Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) president from one of its members in relationship to "CAPE's plan to…

... the 2023 Canadian Labour Congress resolution calling for anti-hate flying squads”. Read it carefully to understand the network of interests and…

Oct 27, 2023 • 

The Parliamentary Sovereignty (Referendums) Bill is brought in the UK. Number of signatures seeking to #ExitTheWHO keeps growing in UK and…

Rapid development in UK. - Number of signatures reached 10K in just five days, triggering the official responce from UK government within 24 hours…

Oct 25, 2023 • 



Breaking: US State bans 'Woke' terms like 'Pregnant People', another recommends against mRNA COVID-19 boosters for residents under the age…

Plus, some related news from Canada

Oct 24, 2023 • 



Critical evidence from the National Citizens Inquiry: VIDEO and Roundtable event tomorrow not to miss (related to CBC biases and the…

Join this exclusive NCI Roundtable Event tomorrow: Monday, October 23, 2023, at 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST

Oct 22, 2023 • 



Ottawa Public Health continues recommending COVID-19 vaccines to children, while Ontario man files $35.6 million lawsuit against Pfizer over…

Today I've posted the following post on my children's school parent support FB group “ Hello folks, You all received the letter from Ottawa Public…

Oct 20, 2023 • 




Important references and quotes related to WHO-proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations

Transcript: In mid-December of 2022, the Working Group on Amendments for the International Health Regulations first published a 197-page document which…

Oct 19, 2023 • 


More urgent appeals related to #ExitWHO: from UK MP (who will lead the excess deaths debate in UK parliament tomorrow) and myself (VIDEO)

Including one in Ukrainian from me

Oct 19, 2023 • 



"This Pivotal Moment": another important documentary to understand what is going on, and why your action is needed NOW.

The Petition Demanding Canada to Exit W.H.O. has now reached 36539 signatures. -Continuing educating ourselves and preparing for the birghter or darker…

Oct 18, 2023 • 



"How Our World Works and Who Is Involved With The Control Of The World And Their Plans"- FILM THAT PREDICTED THE WHO POWER GRAB HAPPENING…

The Petition Demanding Canada to Exit W.H.O. has reached 34202 signatures. What other countries are doing

Oct 17, 2023 • 




No response from any political leader yet... Decisions will be made within next few weeks.

Oct 15, 2023 • 



WHO power grab is happening now. YOUR Silence is YOUR Consent to it. Learn about it. Sign the petition. Share!

Most important time in human history is fast approaching, as new WHO-developed International Health Regulations (IHR) will soon be quietly approved in…

Oct 12, 2023 • 



FEDERAL VACCINE TRAVEL MANDATES LAWSUIT HEARING is happening next week. Register to watch it live!

Mark you calendar : October 11th, 2023.

Oct 5, 2023 • 




September 2023

#1MillionMarch4Chidren vs. SOGI 123: What is what, and Who is Who ? - Collection of Twitter posts explaining it.

See you there tomorrow

Sep 19, 2023 • 



1MillionMarch4Children: What to Do and What to Expect

Bring your religious and cultural symbols for the March. A special message to Ukrainian friends and supporters

Sep 18, 2023 • 




National Citizens Inquiry press conference on September 14, 2023: Transcript and on YouTube

First recommendations following NCI investigation into Canada’s response to COVID-19 and the Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada have been…

Sep 17, 2023 • 



Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada has been prepared by National Citizen’s Inquiry and will be presented at press conference…

NCI press conference will be live at noon on 14 Sept 2023. More data on excess deaths in high-vaccination vs. low-vaccintion countries. Why Canada has…

Sep 13, 2023 • 



Congratulations to Bulgaria and other low vaccination countries for having lowest excess deaths since 2022 in Europe!

Plus, my personal experience from there

Sep 10, 2023 • 



'The Canadian Independent' substack

I run onto this substack and found it quite informative, published daily. So I dont need to publish much of it myself :) Here’s a short sample articles…

Sep 7, 2023 • 


Another legal win to prove that vaccine mandates were unconsitutional. Remedies and apologies demanded!

Review gets it right: Canadian military vaccine mandate violated the Charter! Some knew it from the very beginning. For those who did not, read this…

Sep 3, 2023 • 




In memory of Sheila Lewis: Mark your calendar. Listen to the inspiring testimonial

On September 8, 2023, the National Citizens Inquiry will host a special discussion with Darcy Lewis, the son of the late Sheila Lewis. Sheila's story…

Sep 2, 2023 • 



August 2023

More on 5G phones

My daughter wants to buy a new cell phone. Luckily she asked for my help… So, we went to Costco, and there they are offering great deals on 5G phones…

Aug 30, 2023 • 




"Heartbeats of People We Love" ("Стук сердець людей коханих") - Song Premiere. Plus, historical One Million March For Children is coming…

When times are hard, it's the heartbeats of people we love that keep us going forward...

Aug 28, 2023 • 



Importance of human life - Canada is proud to publish its latests assisted deaths data...

And how is it related to bringing transgender ideology and sex education to kindergarten... And what you can do about it.

Aug 15, 2023 • 



Me and vaccination - end of my story. "Dare to question" free eBook. Also, "I'm not vaccinated, and it's OK!" - a wonderful new book for…

I'm not going write about this subject anymore... There are many other authors and sources who cover this topic so well - for anyone interested. If you…

Aug 3, 2023 • 




July 2023

Comments on the 'Sound of Freedom' movie. What my next two new songs will be about. (weekly video update)

Hint: New songs are inspired by the movie and latest revelations about "winning communication strategies" aimed at hiding the truth about sudden deaths

Jul 25, 2023 • 



New music that warmed my heart lately

"I'm just saying" - "Fly!"

Jul 23, 2023 • 



PCO memo recommended managing COVID vaccine-related injuries or deaths with "winning communication strategies". Is that how they define…

Prepared five months after the start of vaccine rollout in Canada, the memo listed 20,428 reports of "serious adverse events," including over a hundred…

Jul 13, 2023 • 



In memory of young Canadians who unexpectedly died since January 2022: Part 1

A death of a person is tragedy. The deaths of many is statistics. Lets commemorate the lives of young Canadians who left so early. Lets do what we can…

Jul 12, 2023 • 



In Prime Minister's own words...

Useful quotes to help you navigate in the world of misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda

Jul 7, 2023 • 



"This is Canada" and "The Failure of Law to Protect Civil Liberties During COVID": Two online events happening tonight and tomorrow that you…

Plus, eight new testimonials from National Citizens Inquiry for you to check out!

Jul 5, 2023 • 



Great Canadian-Brazilian music coming to Ottawa this Saturday (July 8, 2023). Will see you there!

Plus, my own interpretations of bossa-nova classics in Russian.

Jul 3, 2023 • 



June 2023

"Sound of Freedom": Premieres in theatres starting July 3, 2023 - In Ottawa and elsewhere

Learn more about Child Trafficking problem. A large-screen movie about it is made - based on real story.

Jun 28, 2023 • 



Bill on Prevention of Government-imposed Vaccination Mandates Act - second reading. Hundreds of military personnel part of lawsuit over…

Plus, update on "Who can tell me the truth?" portal and the anthem-song that I wrote.

Jun 27, 2023 • 




May 2023 NEW PORTAL and NEW SONG " - In memory of young Canadians unexpectedly dying since January 2022

"Who can tell me the truth?" - Introducing the song and new portal

May 30, 2023 • 



Federal Court Hearing on Discrimination - this Thursday (June 1, 2023 10am). Please come.

Hear an inspiring story. Be part of the history. Make friends.

May 30, 2023 • 



When Public Servants are allowed to publicly question the policies of the Government ?

I have attended the Navigating Social Media as a Public Servant (TRN125) course that is offered to Public Servants and got there the answers to some of…

May 26, 2023 • 




How to reconcile Serenity Prayer with somebody's agenda to control humans like animals: getting advice from counselors ... and from ChatGPT…

In Celebration of one-year anniversary of the IVIM newsletter

May 21, 2023 • 




Citizens challenge Ottawa’s climate and energy plans at Environment and Climate Change Committee hearing. What scientists say about the…

Some messages from the last month event in Ottawa that made me rethink the "global warming" problem. Also, who/what starts the wild fire in Canada. And…

May 18, 2023 • 


CBC did have an article about National Citizen's Inquiry, in Manitoba only though. Deadline for debate on new WHO powers is this week! You…

Your Action items for the week, and other related news

May 14, 2023 • 



"We did not force vaccination, we provided incentives." - that's what PM said. "We WILL do it again, if we are reelected" - that's what…

Canadians (up-to-date vaxed and others), please see what Liberals are saying. Share widely, if you don't want to revive the horrors of the first wave of…

May 8, 2023 • 




"Truth Therapy" NCI bumper sticker, Elan Mask about the importance of "Freedom of Speech" and the origins of "Woke mind" infection, We Are…

Good news digest for the beginning of May

May 3, 2023 • 



April 2023

Sign the petition to allow parliamentary scrutiny of the proposed amendments currently being negotiated by WHO delegates!

Deadline for the petition: May 20, 2023. Plus, a beautiful screensaver for your eyes and hearts.

Apr 25, 2023 • 




What is happening now in UK will be happening in every country. Get ready! Show you are ready.

UDDATED (with another video UK parliament and TD bank responses confirmations): Also, Why many are nervous about the new TD Bank agreement. More about…

Apr 21, 2023 • 




New TD Bank Agreement: Update 3 - Questions sent to my local branch for revision and confirmation

[UPDATED WITH TRANSCRIPT AND FOLLOW UP CONVERSATION] Continuing exploring the loopholes of the new TD Bank User Agreement - together with my local…

Apr 19, 2023 • 




Finding the truth about "Global Warming", which is now called "Climate change", because there's apparently no "warming"?

And other news and music of note this week - UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Apr 19, 2023 • 


Increasingly more appeals are being allowed by the Social Security Tribunal for people who were denied Employment Insurance benefits when…

Here's why. All those many who were - now we know it - unfairly denied EI benefits, may now apply for reconsideration. Just don't do the same mistake as…

Apr 17, 2023 • 



Who (can tell me the truth)? Poem-anthem for the new generation


Apr 14, 2023 • 



Follow up on Twitter labeling BBC as "Government-funded"

Pierre Poilievre to Elon Musk, Elon Musk to BBC - What it means for Canada

Apr 14, 2023 • 



Twitter's move to label BBC and NPR as "government-funded media" receives a lot of attention. Is CBC next?

Also, an exciting event to watch live has started in Canada - National Citizen's Inquiry, whatever side of the narrative are you on. Both (Twitter and…

Apr 10, 2023 • 



Are we ready for Blackout? Also, who is covering this story for us and with funding from whom? - From Meta (formerly Facebook)...

65,000 households in Ottawa remain without power for the second day after ice storm hit yesterday. My house is one of them. Luckily we have camping gear…

Apr 6, 2023 • 




New TD Bank Agreement: Update 1 - Looking closer into it, first responses from my local branch

Following up on actions items from last post

Apr 2, 2023 • 




March 2023

Fight for our children's safety in school washrooms becomes ugly...

... between parents whose children go to school and school board trustees council, chaired by transgender woman.

Mar 29, 2023



Thousands call for removal of ‘mask-obsessed’ Ottawa school board trustee

Toronto Sun coverage of the story we talked about earlier

Mar 26, 2023 • 



Covid came from the Lab? It took three years to find out that this "conspiracy" is in fact a gruesome fact.

Special hearing from US Senate confirmed this, also sheds light on the role of certain individuals and journals in hiding the truth from public. Biden…

Mar 24, 2023 • 



From Food To Freedom

Another documentary to watch, just released (available for free viewing this week only), from another newsletter I'm following, called 'The Need to…

Mar 18, 2023 • 




Join my chat

A private space for us to converse and connect

Mar 18, 2023 • 



Know Human Trafficking

The world may not be the way you think it is. But you can do something to make it safer.

Mar 13, 2023



Another Documentary by Michael Moore: "Planet of the Humans" - Free and on YouTube

I remember enjoying greatly watching his films in our local cinema Bytown a few years ago - very entertaining and thought provoking. Looking forward to…

Mar 9, 2023 • 




Since last week Public Health is no longer recommending boosters for the general population. The pharmacies still do, as I found out today…

It keeps me wondering how certain information is propagated widely and expediently, while some other is not. But this is something where we all can…

Mar 7, 2023 • 



The most comprehensive review on effects of masks for COVID has been now published

They help in other contexts but not for preventing COVID or flu

Mar 6, 2023 • 



The most comprehensive case has been published by SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE ONTARIO - related to the vaccination of children.

With 673 paras and referencing over 20 cases, this is the most comprehensive case to date in Canada - offering many legal answers to many of your…

Mar 2, 2023 • 



February 2023

CBC: New Brunswickers report more than 1,000 adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines (Jan 28, 2023)

Who said CBC is not interesting or does not provided trusted information? Have a read, especially the comments section - with over 1279 comments so far…

Feb 27, 2023 • 




"Angel" song by Anastasiya Goro - released!

Lets forget for a few minutes about all wars on freedoms and democracies happening all around the globe and just listen to a beautiful song that has…

Feb 25, 2023 • 




The history of making "Non à La Guerre!" video

Under construction

Feb 13, 2023 • 


"Non à La Guerre!" - Song and video premiere preview

Twenty years ago the USA President Bush announced the war against Iraq. A year ago the Russian President Putin announced the war against Ukraine...

Feb 12, 2023 • 




"We are longing for Changes!" - an iconic Rock Song of Glasnost' and Perestroika that led to the collapse Soviet Union

This song was also reinterpreted in Ukrainian to bring changes to Ukraine. Now it's being translated into English. Plus, another film for your family…

Feb 9, 2023 • 



Me on CBC. Quand le jazz est là...

I used to love reading and watching CBC. It was also great being featured there... Not anymore. But I still love listening to the great music that is…

Feb 3, 2023 • 




Sarah's De-Transition story, and how it is relates to war in Ukraine...

A growing number of Canadians become concerned about bringing transgender ideologies into classrooms and look for Russia, who banned those ideologies…

Feb 1, 2023 • 



January 2023

"Tiny Lights" to guide us on our way in year 2023. My song just released - as Christmas present and New Year wish.

There's something that is always there - truth and the stars, whether you see them or not. Some do, some don't.

Jan 7, 2023 • 




In 2019 top Government of Ontario scientists reported on the harmful effect of 5G, calling for the moratorium on this technology in the…

A 40-min pre-covid video recording important to watch to better understand how scientists vs the government work and what is happening in the world and…

Jan 2, 2023 • 




Belarus rejected IMF money to deal with coronavirus (Video)

Lets validate what was said...

Jan 2, 2023 • 




December 2022

WHO Thanks Russia for Developing 'Safe and Effective Sputnik V Vaccine'

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, this information is no longer emphasized in Russian media, as it has become inconvenient for Russia in its…

Dec 30, 2022 • 



A self-proclaimed kingdom in Germany that does not recognize Germany

BBC article sent by my Ukrainian friend

Dec 27, 2022 • 



Christmas carols: multi-lingual, with chords - created using the same Data tools as those used for tracking Canadian vital statistics

My Christmas present to you all. Plus some important moments from this year

Dec 22, 2022 • 


Great news from Social Security Tribunal of Canada for unvaccinated people who were denied Employment Insurance

A historical milestone for Canadians who were denied Employment Insurance while on Leave Without Pay because of vaccination policy. It was not…

Dec 20, 2022


Learn how to use VPN to watch France - Argentina World Cup final (for free), as well as other content that is not available in your country…

Plus, more polls and insights - related to soccer, media censorship, and great news about truth that is slowly but surely coming out from censorship (on…

Dec 15, 2022 • 


1 - A new Web App to track and compare mortality rates across the globe

Lets see how Canada and US compare to Germany, Sweden, Ukraine and Russia.

Dec 11, 2022 • 

UPDATED WITH EYE-WITNESS STORY & VIDEO - The last day of Ottawa "People's" Commission on Convoy happens tomorrow. Don't miss it!

Find out how it is organized and come tomorrow 14-16:30 to support those who are not allowed to talk there.

Dec 10, 2022 • 

November 2022

Ottawa Carleton District School Board wants to mandate the masks for children and school staff despite overwhelming majority of parents not…

Lets find out who is really sick there... And don't let them make you children sick!

Nov 24, 2022 • 

The Ottawa Sun: fresh from the print today - on revelations from Public Order Emergency Act hearing

And some other news from my barber.

Nov 24, 2022 • 

Watch tomorrow (Wed NOV 23 at 9am): Tribunal of Ontario College of Physicians and three doctors, and other exciting events

Also, where to watch Canada soccer team at World Cup, where to learn more about what G20+WEF is preparing for us, and where to get new insights from…

Nov 21, 2022 • 

Breaking: G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration released... Actually G19, as Russia was not there.

What it means for you and Russian war? And why CBC is not talking about it yet?

Nov 19, 2022 • 

Poll: How strong are your beliefs about the issues that polarized our country and the world?

It does not matter what anyone publishes, if you are not going to change your opinions anyway, right? Or it does?...

Nov 17, 2022 

Neil Young: The reason why there's so much anger, derision and division in the world is that we're up against something that we're not even…

Listen carefully what Canadian legendary musician is trying to say and what CBC program host does not seem to get... More music and my own feelings…

Nov 17, 2022 • 

Interviews with Dr. John Campbell and Boris Grebenshchikov tell much about what's going on - Russians lost trust in official media long ago…

In interview with GB News British doctor tells why he lost trust in main stream media, while iconic Russian musician shares his view about the war in…

Nov 15, 2022 • 

Lest we forget! Hail war veterans who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Here's the POEC testimonial of one of them about what he…

11 November is the Remembrance Day in Canada. There's much to remember and be proud about Canada, and which your official media may not tell you…

Nov 10, 2022 • 

"They want more souls, I want less on the planet"- from a conversation with Sadhguru at the World Economic Forum's Summit in 2019

Lets count how many excess deaths happened since then... Maybe that's why many Canadians (including Alberta premier) are wary about WEF influence on…

October 2022

Russia blocked its independent media a few months ago. Is this where Canada is going with its Bill C-11 ? It's not late to oppose it, if you…

More parallels and differences between my experiences in USSR and Canada. Plus some more good news.

Oct 29, 2022 • 

Yale Lectures on the History of Ukraine. The meaning of the Remembrance Day: for Canada and Ukraine, back then and now.

Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine - every week new episode on YouTube. This week talking about 11/11/1918.

Oct 28, 2022 • 

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she distrusts World Economic Forum, province to cut ties. Plus, Municipal election results.

Smith said she won't deal with the agency until they stop 'bragging' about their control over politicians. This helps Ukrainians in their War against…

Oct 27, 2022 • 

An Ottawa teacher story

Continuing presenting candidates for School board trustee elections next week

Oct 19, 2022 • 


Movie night (age-restricted): "Checkist" ("Чекист")

Made in 1992 (during the era of Glasnost) this full-screen movie with English subtitles is re-enacting some of Russia's less known and less publicized…

Oct 18, 2022 • 


Ahead of school trustee elections next week, lets look at some of the choices we have

Oct 17, 2022 • 

How many Canadians and people around the globe believe and support Russia more than Ukraine, even in face of war crimes Russia is…

My blueprint on what we can do to help stop Russian aggression in Ukraine (evergreen document)

Oct 17, 2022 • 

New chapter: Purpose and the process. Welcome to "new" IVIM (I+V+I=M) Newsletter!

New chapter. Purpose and the process - Voting makes a difference! Municipal elections coming - make sure you vote

Oct 15, 2022 • 

May 2022

How to report COVID-19 vaccines side effects on Health Canada portal as consumer

You don't need a doctor to report vaccine side-effects, you need the exact URL link and your Patient ID, which is your initials...

May 13, 2022 • 


Early articles (April - September 2022)

The following articles have been temporarily removed (unless marked otherwise) from public view because of concerns expressed by an anonymous  informer that they are violating Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector (VECPS)  

I strongly believe that these articles DO NOT violate VECPS. In contrast, I will prove that these articles have been,  in fact, inspired and driven by key values and principles defined by VECPS ,  such as, the respect for democracy, responsible use of government resources and others. 

Five articles  below  (published between October 27, 2022 and January 15, 2023) that cause particular concern to "anonymous informer":

This article provides an example, on which I attempted (back in Sept 2022) to seek clarification on whether I am allowed to publish such articles or not.  Almost two years later, I am still awaiting for response to my request.

In the following are other Articles (published prior to October 2022) that have been temporarily removed as a precautionary measure because of complains from  an "anonymous informer." I'll put them back - one by one - once the road is cleared.

Open Letters: