ATIP A070564.

Reported Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 vaccines in Canadian Armed Forces: 
- In 2021, 1 out of 1,267, doses
- In 2022, 1 out of 287 doses
- much higher than reported by Health Canada (1 in  1,789 doses).
Conclusion: HC under-reports significantly?



Wed Jun 5, 2024 - 2:35 pm EDT

Documents obtained by LifeSiteNews show that the number of vaccine injuries in the Canadian Armed Forces rose over 800 percent in 2021, with the majority being attributed to Moderna’s experimental COVID vaccine. 

According to Access to Information (ATIP) documents shared with LifeSiteNews, the CAF’s COVID vaccine injury figures skyrocketed from 14 cases in 2020 to a whopping 128 in 2021, representing an increase of over 800 percent. According to the data, the majority of events, over 100 of them, happened after receipt of Moderna’s COVID vaccine.

The documents also show that in 2022, the vaccine injury figures swelled even higher to 223 cases.


The documents record vaccine injuries beginning in 2010 and ending in 2023. The CAF counted 6 injuries in 2010, 7 in 2011, 5 in 2012, 9 in 2013, 8 in 2014, 8 in 2015, 4 in 2016, 4 in 2017, 8 in 2018, 7 in 2019, and 14 in 2020.  

However, beginning in 2021, when the COVID vaccine was mandated by the Canadian military, the number skyrocketed to 128 in 2021 and 223 in 2022.   

Beginning in November 2021, the Liberal government under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mandated that 275,983 employees from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, military and main federal departments provide proof of vaccination.  

Those who failed to do so risked dismissal or suspension without pay. While there were provisions for medical and religious exemptions, these were rarely granted. 

Key finding:

According to the documents, the CAF’s vaccine injury rate is higher than Health Canada’s average. Health Canada has recorded a total of 58,712 vaccine injuries from the COVID shots, or one in every 1,789 doses.   

However, the CAF’s 2021 numbers show that 128 out of 162,190, or 1 out of 1,267, doses resulted in an injury. In 2022, the number was even higher at 223 out of 63,962 doses, or 1 out of 287 doses.  

Key Red Flag

One would expect much less number of reported side effects from vaccines among CAF members compared to the Health Canada’s reported side effect average (simply because people serving in CAF are normally in my better health, than average Canadian).
Assuming the HC does not deliberaftely lower their numbers,  the only valid  explanation for this is that
- CAF members have logistically easier ways to report vaccine side effects compared to average canadians

If this is the case, this allows one to estimate the under-reporting rate for all canadians. Based on the data from this ATIP, such underreporting rate would be in the range from 10

Questions to Article LifeSiteNews  authors:  How (or where) did they find the number of administered doses in 2021 and 2022?