Changing Definitions

REPOST from:
Build Back Better

They Changed "Vaccine", Now They're Changing "Gene Therapy"

Do you think people will notice?

Mathew Aldred

Feb 14, 2024

∙ Paid

Do you remember how they changed the definition of vaccine to distract people from the fact that the modRNA injections are legally “gene therapy”?

From 2006 to Jan 18, 2021:

From Jan 26, 2021:

From October 23, 2021:

Basically, they make up the definitions as they go along to push their toxins on the people and make their $$$$:

Incidentally, YouTube gave me strikes for simply pointing out that they had changed the definition of “vaccine”:

And they gave me a strike for pointing out that their industry acknowledged that the jabs were gene therapy:

I managed to get them to remove the strike, eventually:

There was no way they could get billions of people to take a “gene therapy product”. They admitted this themselves at their conferences: they would have had a 95% refusal rate.

They needed this platform to be called a “vaccine”. And now, when people are beginning to wake up to the fact that it’s a gene therapy product, they must once again change their definitions so that the armies of “fact checkers” can make their stupid denials:

On 17 January 2024, BioNTech and Moderna lobbyists hosted a lunch in the European Parliament with Members[1] to discuss the forthcoming revision of the pharmaceutical legislation.

Their main objective was to change the legislation’s definition of ‘gene therapy’. At present, mRNA vaccines (like the COVID-19 vaccine) are to be classified as gene therapy. However, they felt that only products that modified the genome should be classified as gene therapy.

1.Do EMA and the Commission classify Comirnaty and Spikevax mRNA vaccines as gene therapy? If so, what are the corresponding regulatory consequences?

2.Has EMA carried out DNA integration assessments[2]or is it going to request them from independent laboratories?

3.What is the Commission’s position on this opaque lobbying without debate?



[2], 3 January 2024: ‘The FDA’s response does not provide data or evidence that the DNA integration assessments they recommended themselves have been performed.’ ‘DNA integration could theoretically [...] transform a healthy cell into a cancerous cell.’DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada:Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events,David J. Speicher, Jessica Rose, L. Maria Gutschi, David Wiseman, Kevin McKernan, ‘All products tested exceeded the guidelines for residual DNA set by the FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 –509-fold.’

This nefarious group of globalist power elites, the Kangaroo Group (Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Banksters, politicians etc. the usual suspects), is indeed going to “encourage” ($$$$) the EU to disguise the fact that their death jabs are gene therapy products:


Further reading:

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