Other technologies and contributions

Back in 2007,  when IVIM.ca domain was acquired, this website was developed to support the Nouse "Nose as Mouse" technology, which was invented by Dmitry Gorodnichy at National Research Council of Canada and then licensed to the company founded my Dmitry, called IVIM Inc.  You can learn more about this technology from the Nouse.ca website or simply by Googling "Nouse as nose"

In 2013, Nouse technology was made free for everyone and the company stopped supporting it. The website was redesigned to support community projects and local artists. Below are links to some of them. 

Now the site received anew mission - to help all Canadians to learn more about the challenges that the country is  going through since 2020 and become inspired and better equipped to contribute to make Canada the country we want to live.

Home-schooling and Steiner-Waldorf education:
chansons, age-appropriate reading

Selective Mutism parent support group of Ottawa

East Ottawa Ice Water Dipping
CBC article

Search Facebook "Wim Hof Ottawa"